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Tired of Living in Fiction
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419 2 309
The Dolled Up Villainess
305 1 39
Winter Moon
2.6K 59 512
I Give You My All
6.3K 44 360
+99 Wooden stick
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Death: Rescheduled
836 1 65
Dead Knight Gunther
645 2 138
Be The Butler
939 14 395
Men of The Harem
266 1 16
Wrong Quest
1.1K 7 94
RE: Monarch
431 1 31
So Not My Type
192 1 37
Silent Screams
44 1 36
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Lastest comment
  • Pure Love Operation Chapter 98

    Mill_your_fuel Mill_your_fuel just now

    I hate that I waited a week for this chapter to have a teeny tiny bit of it dedicated to my sweet boy Dohwa and a huge chunk of it showing this two faced B!+¢h throwing a pity party for her self. She rationalizes that she saw Eunhyeok first and that she just realized her feelings for him now that he and Su-ae are together, justifying her (most likely) trying to take Eunhyeok away coz she "knows him better".B!+¢h! so what if you noticed his deaf ear? You never did anything to console him for it! In fact you made it worst! Letting him believe that your his dad's bastard. Stfu and sit down!! He never opened up to you! You're just projecting your insecurities and keeping him and Su-ae down so you can feel better about your about yourself. Also what about Su-ae’s first boyfriend? What made you take him away? Why is your feelings more important just coz you're an orphan and Su-ae has a loving family. When Su-ae and her family even accepted you as their own. Almost all of the characters here have a heavy burden in their life. Su-ae with the creepy ceo trying to kill her, Dohwa and Eunhyeok with their family life and living situation. Heck even Su-ae’s ex has a sh!tty home life! So B!+¢h F@¢]( OFF TO THE SUN! coz you're not special and nobody feels bad for you.

  • The Fairy Legacy Chapter 6

    Floppy Floppy just now

    WHY wouldn't FL tell Ersetta what happened ??? If it's not buying problems for herself, I don't know what is...

  • The Baby Prisoner in the Winter Castle Chapter 29

    Violety Violety 2 minutes ago


  • I Was Just Having Fun With The Time Limit Chapter 11

    Empress Empress 2 minutes ago

    Now the princess is your happy pill

  • Lord of Destiny Wheel Chapter 13

    Itskishi77 Itskishi77 3 minutes ago
